Vanishing Memory Log


[Bad luck banging or loony porn:]

Un amigo me recomendó la peli 'Bad luck banging or loony porn'.
La historia no es nueva, me quedo con la cámara despiadada que no te deja perder detalle de cada ángulo sucio, de la violencia en los gestos cotidianos, de la desidia. Me quedo con el último de los finales, glorioso en su reivindicación del cine como evasión de una realidad deprimente. Pero me quedo sobretodo con una escena, en el intermedio, que da la mejor definición de cine que he oído hasta la fecha:
"Cinema: We have learned in school the story of the Gorgon Medusa whose face was so horrible that the sheer shigt of it turned man and beast into stone. When Athena instigated Perseus to slay the monster, she warned him never to look at its face but only at its mirror reflection in the polished shield. Following her advice Perseus cut off Medusa's head. The moral is that we do not, and cannot, see actual horrors because they paralyze us with blinding fear; and that we shall know what they look like only by watching images which reproduce their appearance.
The cinema screen is Athena's polished shield."